First Castlevania Netflix trailer released

Posted on May 26, 2017

The much anticipated Castlevania Netflix series has just released its first trailer.

The series, first announced back in February, is arriving with an R18+ rating. Co-producer Adi Shankar told IGN that the series wasn’t holding any punches when it comes to its mature content, comparing it to shows such as HBO’s Game of Thrones. The trailer is certainly living up to that claim so far, with blood, falling stars, a man seemingly stabbed though the eye, and a lot of skeletons.


Whilst game-based spin-offs are often difficult to pull off, Castlevania has the advantage of a story lending to the adaption. Dark and eerie? A little bit of camp cheesy writing? Medieval fantasy and a lot of killing? Pure original Castlevania!

According to the Netflix description, “Castlevania is a dark medieval fantasy following the last surviving member of the disgraced Belmont clan, trying to save Eastern Europe from extinction at the hand of Vlad Dracula Tepe himself”.

Watch the trailer below.

The trailer starts with an old cartridge of Castlevania inserted into an NES, it then transitions into the animated trailer. From there we’re introduced to the world of Castlevania via a series of fleeting snippets that include the traditional old whip Trevor uses, a vampire rising from a crypt, blood splatters, and falling stars, accompanied by a stern voice-over. It finishes with Trevor declaring himself to be the man who will “kill Dracula”.

This will be the first TV version of the popular Konami game series. There was once a movie slated to arrive circa 2007, which spent so long in development that it never got released. Thankfully, this series seems to have overcome whatever obstacle the movie faced, with a release date set for July 7th 2017.