PAX Aus 2023 Highlight – darkwebSTREAMER

Posted on October 6, 2023

We checked out the one and only darkwebSTREAMER, a procedurally generated psychological horror RPG streamer simulation game, at the PAX Aus 2023 Indie Showcase. The team at We Have Always Lived In The Forest (WHALITF) continues to terrify us with another spooky demo.

The developers call darkwebSTREAMER an “emergent narrative roguelite” that sits you in the seat of an online streamer haunted by various spirits and monstrosities. The game changes every time you play, so no one stream is alike and you’ll be in for a surprise.

We were happy to check out another horror demo with Lead Developer, Chantal Ryan. Walking us through the start of the game and what it’s about, we were quickly taken away from the busy PAX showroom and absolved into the eerie atmosphere of our stream.

Our in-game apartment becoming more and more possessed by demons, spirits and other beings—including rabid fans and online enemies—the real darkness of the internet. We did not survive very long in our short scream stream, and our watchers weren’t too impressed either. However, we had an absolute blast of a time playing this incredibly inventive game.

Each full play is only about an hour long, which allows a bite-sized experience that allows you to get back into a brand new, completely fresh stream or take a breather from how terrifying the game is. The best part is, that everyone gets a unique scary story to tell about their time with the game.

Twitch stream screenshot from darkwebSTREAMER

The game will also feature modding support and Twitch integration, allowing viewers and streamers to have a meta-experience together.

We’re looking forward to contaminating our apartment with ghosts and demons when darkwebSTREAMER releases in 2024.