Dream Games denies a game key request for supporting LGBT community

Posted on June 2, 2016

Developer of Operation Caucasus, Dream Games, opened up a major can of worms this week when they denied a user a steam key to their new title in a giveaway on Facebook on the grounds that the user was in or supported the LGBT community. Originally reported by Kotaku.

Upon requesting a key in their online giveaway; Facebook user Nivea was told “We’re not support lgbt, Please, just f**k you.”. The user, who’s profile picture featured the signature rainbow of the LGBT movement subsequently posted the exchange as a review to the game’s Steam page, as you are required to own the game to review it, the player had gotten a key off a friend who was able to secure one by not visibly supporting the LGBT community.

Comments from other Steam users on the review are overall positive (supporting the LGBT community) however I would not recommend the read, as with all comment sections they’re not the… greatest examples of human society.

“We’ll never support ‘LGBT,” said a developer writing under and official Dream Games account. “We’re not a toy. This is our freewill.”

“We don’t need their and your money if you’re/they’re from ‘LGBT,’” the developer continued. “You don’t liked our this decide? You can flag this game. This is your freewill. And this decide [sic], our freewill.”

This is actually the second occasion that the game has launched on Steam, first being released as a $9 demo in late March before dropping to $1 and being pulled from the store with the Dream Games citing: “Development is hard work”

All in all the devs seem straight up ignorant, incompetent and illiterate. All this on top of being out-right hateful to a supporter of our community, I will gladly see this mess of a game fail.