Yet another reveal from this years Gamescom was a Resident Evil 7 gameplay trailer that is essentially a gameplay debut for the title. Previously we had been treated to the ‘Beginning Hour’ which was a playable demo for Resident Evil 7 (and it was great) – however, that gameplay was made specifically for the demo and won’t be apart of the final game.
The new ‘Lantern’ gameplay that was revealed in the trailer below will be apart of the final product and it showcases Mia as she runs and hides from her lantern-wielding pursuer. The section of gameplay that was revealed is playable found footage, a mechanic shared with the ‘Beginning Hour’ demo, that may or may not end up having an impact on the main storyline.
Check out the trailer for yourself. Do you like the renewed focus on horror and survival in lieu of fast-paced action as much as I do?