Spotify add Gaming music as a specific genre

Posted on August 15, 2016

Spotify have added a specific genre for gaming music to their streaming repertoire, and it’s actually rather good!

From playlists to specific soundtracks, some of the gems I’ve discovered so far include The Last of Us, Journey, I am Setsuna and even some of the Final Fantasy XV pieces released so far (to keep me occupied until the delayed release date).

It’s really nice to see this change, as I had previously unsubscribed from the service due to a lack of this specific kind of content; some of these songs are absolute musts for me, and carry into my general music library quite easily.  For my fellow Final Fantasy fans, there are a lot of pieces from titles across the spectrum of games; albeit a lot of them are not OST pieces, but rather orchestral renditions, which are a little hit and miss (The Hymn of the Faith – The Sending gave me instant chills).

Here’s hoping this trend continues; given that several of the playlists already have several thousand followers, I feel like we can expect to see more for sure!