Dying Light Book of Records revealed

Posted on September 14, 2016

Dying Light, and its expansion Dying Light: The Following have been out for some time now, and admittedly the majority of those trapped in Harran have since moved on other battlegrounds, but just how efficient were we survivors in wiping out the horde?

After a reported recent spike in player numbers (or perhaps more likely, to help encourage one)  the team at Techland have gathered some of the most spectacular records set by the players and put together a little video they are titling Book of Records.

Those are some impressive stats, and at 3.88 million times, Mama is the happiest bucket since, well, *insert completely distasteful reference here*. The fact that these stats are across millions of players only further incriminates her.

To mark the release of Book of Records (not to mention once again help those player spikes) this weekend Techland will be activating “HyperMode”  where player’s characters will have bouts of excessive strength and improved motor skills, to say nothing of those fun little dropkicks. Adjusted for AEST the ‘weekend’ will begin Saturday September 17 at 1 PM, concluding  Monday September 19 at midnight (11:59 PM). And while this does totally play into their trap, I am kinda tempted to go beat up some zombies… maybe check in on Mama.