Beyond Good & Evil 2 in “pre-production”

Posted on October 6, 2016

For over 8 years we have been teased with the idea of a Beyond Good & Evil sequel, and it finally looks like it’s going to happen. Released earlier today via Instagram was an image of what appears to be a ‘Mammago Rhino’ – a fictional species of anthropomorphic rhinoceros from the aforementioned franchise. Along with the image came a quote: “Endangered species – now saved – Game in pre-production – Stay tuned!”

The image/quote comes from Michael Ancel’s Instagram account, the man responsible for the creation of the original game. This isn’t the first time that Ancel has teased us with similar images either. In fact, over the last week we have received a few other teaser images that lead people to assume some Beyond Good & Evil 2 news was arriving shortly.

The confirmation that the game is in “pre-production” is good news for fans of the original. Beyond Good & Evil  was a cult classic that can loosely be described as a third-person, action/adventure game with a ‘Pokemon Snap’ element. The sequel was originally announced 8 years ago but in that time there hasn’t been a peep from the devs. Many people presumed that the project had died which makes today’s news a sort of revival. With the game only in pre-production though, there may well be a substantial amount of time before we get to see it for ourselves.