We could be getting more Titanfall games

Posted on October 23, 2016

Titanfall 2 could be just the beginning in Respawn’s shooter series. Founder and CEO of Respawn; Vince Zampella has said, while the studio may not have  any specific plans for a 3rd at this moment, the hope is that Respawn can work on more games to include in the series after Titanfall 2 and the upcoming mobile games.

“We don’t have necessarily a trilogy in mind. You always hope when you create something that it’s embraced and that people will love it for generations to come,” he said. “I hope we do more of it. We probably plan to do more–as you know, we have the mobile games as well. I would like to see the universe live on. I think it’s very expandable. I think there’s a lot we can do with it. There’s a lot of great ideas floating around here [@Respawn] that I would love to see come to life.”

Titanfall 2 is scheduled for release this Friday. Are you looking forward to it?