To help celebrate Halloween, Pokémon GO trainers are set to receive several treats!
“The excitement of Pokémon’s 20-year celebration continues this Halloween with the first-ever in-game Pokémon GO event,” said J.C. Smith (senior director of consumer marketing at The Pokémon Company International) “We anticipate seeing many Pokémon-themed costumes during this anniversary year, and now Trainers can add Pokémon GO to their trick-or-treat route to receive Candy and add some of the spookier Pokémon to their Pokédex.”
And spooky treats they are!
From October 26th until November 1st 2016 trainers will have an increased chance of encountering the Pokémon Drowzee, Gastly, Gengar, Golbat, Haunter, Hypno, and Zubat (OK, the Zubats may be more a trick than a treat).
Also, trainers will earn more candy as they go trick or treating!
- Each Pokémon caught will reap six candies instead of three
- The Professor will exchange each Pokémon for two candies instead of one
- Buddy Pokémon will find four candies instead of one
For the five of you who haven’t played Pokémon GO, candies allow you to evolve and power-up your Pokémon, a necessary thing to do if you wish to try to complete your Pokédex or take over some Gyms (pretty much the Pokémon GO equivalent of world domination).

“It’s been incredible watching people explore their neighborhoods and catch wild Pokémon all summer,” says Tatsuo Nomura (senior product manager, Niantic, Inc.) “We would like to trick-or-treat in our own special way by giving Trainers the chance to catch more Pokémon and earn extra Candy this Halloween.”
So grab your sexy Pumpkaboo outfit and start collecting some candy!