Lara’s next game to be Shadow of the Tomb Raider?

Posted on November 1, 2016

Following a very unlucky leak for one employee, the next game in the rebooted Tomb Raider franchise could indeed be named Shadow of the Tomb Raider.

A Reddit user named Tripleh280 posted this photo while he was sitting on a subway train in Montreal; it shows a presentation with a logo on the top right, revealing the name.


Square Enix have said that the company does not comment on rumors and speculation. It’s only a title at this point, but due to the popularity of the reboot and the reboot of the movie also on the way, the fact that another sequel is in the works is hardly surprising.

In our review of Rise of the Tomb Raider, we said: “From the thrill of discovering and then solving the variety of stunning challenge tombs to the explosive and exciting set pieces that had me sprinting across shaky platforms, dangling from ledges and narrowly escaping death at every turn, I found every single part of the experience completely captivating and breathtaking.” A 20th Anniversary Edition was recently released of the game. We’ll have more news on Shadow of the Tomb Raider as it happens.