Mother 3 may be coming to the Nintendo Switch this year

Posted on January 8, 2017

Rumours from reliable sources suggest that the long awaited RPG, Mother 3 will finally be releasing to the Nintendo Switch this year. The information comes originally from game journalist Laura Kate Dale who has revealed that the games virtual console release will now be for the Switch, instead of the Wii U.

Fans of the series in the West have been waiting a seriously long time for the release of this title, originally expecting it to come out on the Gameboy Advance! The game’s development has managed to span over twelve years and four consoles. Development for the third instalment began in 1994 and was finally released in 2006 but only in Japan. Considering just how well the first two have done in the West, becoming a classic in most gamer’s eyes, it is surprising how long it has taken.

The game will be coming to the Nintendo Switch Virtual Console in quarter two 2017, if the rumours are to be believed. It’s expected that Mother 3 will be officially announced and confirmed by Nintendo at their Switch presentation event on January 12.