Mass Effect: Andromeda gameplay pt. 2 – combat profiles, favourites & squads

Posted on February 26, 2017

Mass Effect: Andromeda continues to excite its global followers by unleashing part 2 of its gameplay series, and I don’t care if  this word is overused, but the video… IS EPIC!

Part 1 of the video series covered weapons, classes and combat and can be found here for those who missed it.
Part 2’s video covers profiles, favourites and squads.

Profiles act as a bonus either to enhance abilities or increase damage and potentials, there are seven profiles you are able to unlock in Mass Effect: Andromeda, they are:

  • Soldier
  • Engineer
  • Adept
  • Sentinel
  • Vanguard
  • Infiltrator
  • Explorer


Profiles are unlocked when you purchase more skills, the more skills you unlock the higher the profile you receive. Some profiles can only be accessed if you unlock numerous skills from either of the three skill categories: Combat, Tech and Biotics.

Within the video only two profiles are covered:

Adept is a profile specifically for enhancing Biotic skills and adding various kinds of duration and damage bonuses.

The Explorer profile is only unlocked if you purchase a variety of Biotic and Combat Skills. The bonuses you receive from the Explorer profile benefit both aforementioned skills.

Favourites allow you to equip  any three different skills across four different wheel slots, which you can access anytime throughout the game, so that’s a total of twelve skills you carry with you at the same time. This allows you to adapt to any kind of fight you encounter. For example, you may encounter a Fiend which has incredible armour to protect itself, assigning three abilities that can penetrate through its heavy armour to one wheel slot could benefit you greatly in that battle. Keep in mind though, there is a cool-down period before you can use new skills, so it may be wise to keep you distance until your new set of skills are ready to be used.

Favourites Load Out

There a 6 squad members you can choose from, each squad member has three active abilities and two passive skills. For example, Cora uses Biotics as a support character and Drack is a  bruiser that can withstand heavy damage. You can also team up with team members to deliver power combos, which get activated when you prime an enemy or group. You can, for instance, set up finishers for your team member to come in with the finishing blow. The option of  levelling up team members is also included and will increase their stats making them even stronger.

Bioware have also been kind enough to announce that Part 3 of the Mass Effect: Andromeda game play  series  will cover the topic “Exploration“.