Studio Istolia emerges out of Square Enix

Posted on February 23, 2017

Square Enix has announced a new RPG project code named Project Prelude Rune, spearheaded by a brand new game studio called Studio Istolia (100% owned by Square Enix). Hideo Baba, responsible for the tales franchise has taken up the role of studio head.

According to the studio website:

“Project Prelude Rune aims to build a new RPG with a new fantasy: unfolding across a vast land teeming with life. Nurtured by the earth, the many peoples of this land dare to dream, fighting for what is just – and this tale is their tale”

project prelude Rune concept art 2

The name Istolia is a reference to the greek word for story and is apparently central to the studio’s primary values. The initial press release states that the aim of the studio is to provide unforgettable stories that will inspire players in their own lives and bring new game experiences to everyone around the world.

The website for Studio Istolia is currently only in Japanese so the translations are a bit rough, but the energy behind some truly inspiring words is pretty plain. You can check it out here, and they are currently recruiting for a variety of roles.

project prelude rune