After the successful release of Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth, it was only natural that Bandai Namco, leading publisher in anime-based video games, would announce the newest instalment in the series: Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth – Hacker’s Memory. Developed by Media Vision, the JRPG is slated for an early 2018 release in the west and will be available on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita, with Japanese dialogue and English subtitles.
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth – Hacker’s Memory will follow the story of Keisuke Amazawa, a young man on the run after being accused of a crime he did not commit. To prove his innocence and solve the crime he will need to dive into the Digital World and begin investigating, even if it means teaming up with a group of hackers who appear to have their hands full.
Involved in the creation of this new game are a few notable names: Kazumasa Habu (Producer), Suzuhito Yasuda (Character designer) and Masafumi Takada (Composer).
You think you know everything there is to know about Tamers and the Digital World? It’s now time to unveil the truth by discovering the secrets about the mysterious events first seen in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth.
Raise and train more than 300 different Digimon for battle as you stand upon a precipice, between the real world and the Digital World. Players will be treated to various options for battle in this turn-based style of gameplay and get to explore a unique cyber-punk atmosphere. You will need to use every bit of nerve, wit, and cunning you possess if you are to stop the threat endangering the Digital World, as well as yourself.
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth – Hacker’s Memory will be available both physically and digitally for the PlayStation 4, and digital release only for the PlayStation Vita in 2017 in Japan and early 2018 in the west.