Pokémon movie “I Choose You” announced

Posted on March 4, 2017

In what can only be described as a Pokémon fan boy’s wet dream, the next installment of the popular, long running Pokémon series has released a trailer for their 20th film – Pokémon I Choose You!

That’s right super fans, it looks as though we are heading back to Kanto where it all began for Ash (Satoshi) and Pikachu. In what will be a feature length retelling of their origin story, viewers will be given the chance to relive some of their cherished childhood memories. For those of you who were unfamiliar with the Pokémon anime series (honestly, if you’re on this site you shouldn’t claim to be unfamiliar) Pokémon I Choose You will tell the tale of how Ash ends up with his Pikachu.

Ash is a budding new trainer who ends up being late to the Pokémon selection process, granting him one of three starter Pokémon Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle, and is instead paired with a defiant and willful Pikachu; whom in the beginning really dislikes the young trainer. These two unlikely companions embark upon on an exciting journey, all while overcoming dangerous obstacles through teamwork and sacrifice, and in the process become two of the closest friends, in all of anime history.

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While a Japanese cinematic release date of July 15th, 2017 for Pokémon I Choose You has been announced, no word yet on when the western world will be graced with an appearance on the silver screen.

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