Finished playing Breath of the Wild? How about actually having breath as fresh as the wild? Scientists are discovering the health benefits of the newest superfood – Switch cartridges!
Gamers around the world have already been tasting the newest sensation which has super food experts around the world in a spin. Or rather in a slot, because it is a cartridge.

What is Nintendo’s secret? Each mineral-rich cartridge is coated with denatonium benzoate, or Switchonium for short, one of the most bitter substances found on Earth. Humans are the only animals that have developed a taste for bitterness, and it is not surprising that bitter foods such as vegetables and coffee have so many positive health benefits.

It is also of no surprise then that you may have felt excited and energised while playing the Nintendo Switch for the first time – with no less than 8 deluxe cartenoids, Switchonium is already at work. Yes, it is that powerful!
Clearly swallowing a Switch cartridge is a bad idea (err you might choke), so the recommendation is to grind those cartridges up into a fine powder. Approximately 100 cartridges will make for a delicious Switchonium smoothie full of bitter goodness.

While Nintendo have not approved the Switch cartridges for human consumption, they have deliberately slowed the release of new titles for the console to avoid them all being purchased for food! And you thought it was because they were repeating the mistakes of the Wii U.