New Overwatch event leaked – prepare for an uprising!

Posted on April 11, 2017

Overwatch: Insurrection has been revealed as the upcoming April 11th event for the popular online shooter. The reveal is courtesy of PlayStation France, who leaked a trailer via their YouTube channel.

Blizzard isn’t likely to be very happy with their console partners at the moment, with Xbox having already leaked 4 of the skins for the new event in a purchase banner on their marketplace.

In this new leaked trailer, not only were new skins and collectables revealed, but so was the new game mode. The trailer reveals a massive battle with Omnic swarms (which was touched on in the Overwatch Uprising Comic) and it appears that Overwatch: Insurrection will be another PvE event, similar to that of Junkenstein’s Revenge.

Overwatch: Insurrection will run from April 11th to May 1st and will feature over 100 collectables. Sadly at this point there’s only the leaked French version of the trailer on offer, but I’m sure we will see an English version available soon. Either way, this little Overwatch obsessed gamer is excited for more skins and finally another event!