Tekken 7 PC details revealed

Posted on May 30, 2017

Tekken 7 is due to release on the 2nd of June on Xbox One, PS4 and PC, and while this news is not new, the details surrounding the PC launch has been a point of interest for many fans.  Questions regarding the support, platform delivery and general functions available in the PC version of Tekken 7  were a few points of interest raised by fans.

A developer from Bandai Namco has taken to the Steam discussion boards recently to answer some of these questions. Isshak Gravi, listed as a developer,  introduced the post as follows:

“Hey everybody. You’ve been many to ask a lot of questions about the PC version of Tekken 7 and I’m happy to finally be able to answer them! As you know, Tekken 7 is the first Tekken game on PC, and we have a lot to learn still, but the team has been hard at work to meet your expectations and those of PC gamers in general. We hope you have a lot of fun with the PC version :)”

The post then goes on to answer some questions , it’s not very clear how they were selected,  however, Isshak detailed these questions and answers as important information. The details provided in the post are as follows:

  • Tekken 7 can run at 4K resolution with a constant 60FPS output
  • Tekken 7 will have keyboard and controller support (but no mouse support)
  • The game will pre-load for anyone who has poor internet connections
  • Steam Card and  Steam Emotes will be available (see screenshot below)
  • Denuvo support is provided for the game (click here for more details about Denuvo)
  • Tekken 7 graphics setting screenshots were also provided in the post to show the settings available (see below)

With 5 days left to launch, Tekken 7 is approaching it’s first every release on PC. Are you going to play it on PC or stick to the consoles?

Tekken 7

Tekken 7

Tekken 7

Tekken 7

Tekken 7