Rising to stardom as the latest Peter Parker in Marvel’s cinematic universe, the talented young Tom Holland has been cast in the upcoming Uncharted film adaptation. Slinging (get it?) from one wise-cracking hero to another, the casting comes from Sony chief, Tom Rothman, after he saw the latest Spider-Man Homecoming cut and was impressed with Holland’s performance.
News comes by way of Deadline, who also reports that the film is set to take place at the same time as the flash-back sequence in Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception. The sequence sees a young Nathan Drake in his first encounter with mentor-come-father figure Victor Sullivan. With this news, it is evident the film will be considered a prequel to the Naughty Dog developed series.
The film is currently set to be directed by Stranger Things director Shawn Levy, while Sony is searching for a script writer to take the lead on the new setting.
It’s been a rough ride finding the right fit for Nathan Drake, with Mark Wahlberg once attached to play the role but has evidently dropped out. With Tom Holland, our expectations are set high.