E3 2017: Quake Champions adds B.J. Blazkowicz to the roster

Posted on June 12, 2017

Fast-paced shooting action has never looked more… fast-paced. Bethesda’s E3 press conference showed off a lot of exciting new games and expansions for us to look forward to in the future, one of those is Quake Champions.

Announced a while back now, we have been getting a steady stream of details coming out of this upcoming arena shooter and new details didn’t stop today.

Revealed within the trailer is that Wolfenstein hero, B.J. Blazkowicz, will be making his way to the roster of heroes within Quake Champions. The team at id Software also announced a $1 million Quake World Championship tournament on August 26 at QuakeCon in Dallas, Texas.

The game is launching as a free-to-play game on PC this year, with an open beta already available.