When ghost hunting in Blackenrock there is nobody to call

Posted on August 5, 2017

The Last Crown: Blackenrock is an upcoming psychological horror game, the newest in the The Last Crown series.

In Blackenrock, you play as Nigel Danvers, who after an experiment with a Spiritboard is haunted, feeling that someone or something is calling out to him.  You need to find out the significance of Blackenrock to undercover evidence of mystery and murder.  You are able to seek answers from the dead, but your actions may have bitter consequences.

Preview screen capture from The Last Crown: Blackenrock

What sets Blackenrock apart from others in the genre is both the style of the game and the attempts at added realism.  Instead of confronting gore, the game conveys horror through near monochromatic gothic art to set the scene, to give an archival quality to the game footage.  Essentially a modern take on ghost movies from the more classic age of film-making that relied upon story more than cheap thrills and special effects.

What adds the element of realism is the incorporation of real footage of paranormal activity.  Included is electronic voice phenomena, actual recordings of what is thought to be spirit voices communicating.  Also photographs of unexplained phenomena are included, captured by creator Jonathan Boakes while creating the game.

Yes this looks to be a spine tingling kind of game that has the potential of writing its own mythology.

Feeding an owl in The Last Crown: Blackenrock

Blackenrock’s developer Darkling Room and publisher Iceberg Interactive are showcasing the game at the upcoming Gamescom 2017 convention in Cologne, Germany, and will allow gamers to play the game from the 22 to 24 August 2017.  For those fortunate to attend, bookings can be made in half hour blocks.  Enough time to make you ever so uneasy before going home to bed.

Example clues in The Last Crown: Blackenrock

Although I am sure most will love to be able to attend Gamescom 2017, here is a trailer to tide you under until Blackenrock’s release later this year on PC.