Announced at the 2015 Tokyo Game Show, 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim released at trailer at this years TGS. Described as a bleak world in modern settings, with giant mechs, Aegis Rim has been eager awaited by a lot of fans. This trailer does not disappoint, showing some gameplay for the first time.
Looking like a mix between real time strategy and 2D sidescrolling (pretty common for Vanillaware), the side scrolling has the traditional Vanillaware beautiful aesthetics the company is known for. It also shows off each of it’s characters, some giant mechs and a release date.
Worry not, westerners, there is a confirmed english release and localisation coming, though it may take longer to release.
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim is bound for Playstation 4 and PS vita sometime next year. Keep up to date by visiting Atlus’ official website, and watch the trailer below!