Nothing to sink our fangs into yet- Vampyr delayed

Posted on September 21, 2017

Initially announced to be coming out this November, the long awaited Vampyr has been pushed back to 2018.

Due to a technical issue (apparently solved), the game had to be pushed back. In pushing back, they’re promising better quality and polished on the finished product.

Vampyr artwork fighting

Oskar Guilbert, CEO of DontNod Entertainment, released a statement on the decision to delay:

‘Delaying the release of a project you hold dear is always a tough decision. However, we believe that meeting a deadline should never compromise quality. We were still convinced just a few weeks ago that we would be able to release Vampyr this year. Unfortunately, a technical issue – now solved – has set our teams’ schedule back at the end of the development.

This delay allows us enough time for all the polishing and balancing phase, much needed for a game of Vampyr’s scope, with its ambitious, semi-open world, its complex narrative and deep RPG mechanics that give players a real impact on the world.

We want to thank our publisher Focus Home Interactive for giving us the means and time necessary to provide players a memorable experience… especially since so many of you are eagerly waiting for it.’

Vampyr artwork graveyard

Vampyr is now set to come out Spring 2018 ( Autumn, for us Aussies). You can pre-order from their website here. Keep up to date with the offical website for information. Check out the E3 trailer: