World of Warcraft Classic returns the game to its vanilla roots

Posted on November 4, 2017

For many years now fans of the wildly successful World of Warcraft MMORPG have been craving for the creators, Blizzard, to roll back the clock on the numerous expansions and provide the original experience they all fell in love with 10 years ago. For a while players could relive those joys through the fan made server, Nostalrius, but in 2016 Blizzard had this shut down to wide spread anger from the fans.

Now as Blizzcon 2017 rolls along it’s become very apparent that the sudden shut down by Blizzard was in preparation of their announcement of World of Warcraft Classic to their eager fans.

Since shutting down Nostalrius many other fan made servers have popped up but Blizzard is now throwing their hat into the ring saying “We’re committed to making an authentic, Blizzard-quality classic experience,” during their keynote speech today. Blizzard have a history of applying a high level of polish to their brands but it remains to be seen if they can take their hands off World of Warcraft Classic to deliver the original WOW Vanilla experience before any of their “improvements”.

Unlike their latest expansion for current WOW, Battle for Azeroth, World of Warcraft Classic has not been given a release date as the these new classic servers will take some time before they’re ready. Be sure to check out the reveal trailer below and check out some of the other stories coming out of Blizzcon 2017.