The Armored Core series is not dead yet

Posted on December 7, 2017

The Armored Core series isn’t dead! In a relatively vague tweet from the developers celebrating the 20th anniversary of Armored Core, they mention that they have no intention to end the series. The tweet (found below) roughly translates as:
“Thank you for viewing the Armored Core 20th anniversary music special number! There is nothing I can talk about now, but I do not intend to end the AC series as it is, so I am pleased if you wait a little longer. From now on thank you for your From Software!”

From Software are known to be working on 3 new games, 1 of which is believed to be the next instalment in the long beloved game series Armored Core.  AC ended on its 5th Generation on the Playstation 3/Xbox 360 with no real indication of what was going to happen to the series – but fans for some time have been suspecting that Armored Core 6 will be coming to new generation consoles sometime in the near future. For now, From Software seem to outline that the series still has some future, and fans are speculating that one of the three previously mentioned games in development is likely to be Armored Core. The tweet, however, does call for fans to “wait a little longer”.

In celebration of AC’s 20th birthday, a 20th anniversary PS4 has been released for PlayStation owners to download from the PS Store.  It’s been 4 years since the release of Verdict Day so one can only assume that with the leap in consoles and technology over those 6 years, Armored Core 6 will be a game to keep an eye out for.

armored core