Aussie teams inbound for Esports World Championship

Posted on January 4, 2018

Australia is starting to make waves in the Esports leagues, with two of our own heading to america to compete in the World Championships.  Kanga Esports, an Australian based group is facing off in the Paladin Tournament, with Scylla Esports representing in the SMITE tournament.

The tournaments going to kick off on Friday at Hi-Rez Expo (HRX). It’s gonna be early in the morning Australia time, and runs for 4 days. It’s held in Atlanta, Georgia, so supporting Australians might have a difficult time making this one.

The whole event will be streaming on Twitch.

HRX schedule

Here’s the line-ups for the two events Aussies are competing in! Kicking it off with  Aussie SMITE team Scylla Esports vs Nocturns Gaming from 6am on Friday 5 January. In the Paladins, Kanga will be playing Ninjas in Pyjamas from 9.30am on Friday 5th of January.

Esports lineup smite

Kicking it off with  Aussie SMITE team Scylla Esports vs Nocturns Gaming from 6am on Friday 5th January. In the Paladins, Kanga will be playing Ninjas in Pyjamas from 9.30am on Friday 5th as well.

Esports lineup Paladin

If you’re interested in the teams, head over to Kanga’s website, as well as Scylla’s to check out the team composition, past wins and fresh updates.

For individual matches and events, You can watch Paladins matches on Twitch here, and  SMITE matches going on here. Tune in for your favourites and watch Australia represent!