Are you Hard In Hightown? Dragon Age book set for physical release

Posted on January 8, 2018

In a surprising move for a game released in 2014, Bioware have written ‘Hard in Hightown’!

Presumably, Varric Greatly Approves.

The in-game book is a popular reference for fans both outside and within Dragon Age II and Dragon Age Inquisition. Inquisition even has a mission to help stop the fake ‘Hard in Hightown 2’ books and fake author.

Written by Mary Kirby (Under Varric’s command, of course), Hard In Hightown is set to be a Crime-Noir Drama based around the events of the second game. The cover comes with a review from everyone’s favourite bloodmage Merrill:

“So many people get shivved!”

So it’s probably as delightfully bloody as her hobbies.

Interestingly, the cover features the female Hawke. The story is about a pair of guards though, so it’s unclear what part Hawke is playing here. (Though she seems to be a rogue at least.)

Hard In Hightown Cover

As for the blurb, well, it’s as expected- pretty much exactly the way it was in Dragon Age II-

Twenty years of patrols have chiseled each and every stone of the Kirkwall streets into city guardsmen Donnen Brennokovic. Weary and weathered, Donnen is paired with a recruit so green he might as well have leaves growing out of his armor. When the mismatched pair discover a dead magistrate bleeding out on the flagstones, they’re caught up in a clash between a shadowy organization known only as the Executors and a secretive group of Chantry agents–all over some ancient artifact.

The 92 page book will feature 24 black and white full page images. Illustrations featured are by Stefano Martino, Álvaro Sarraseca, Andres Ponce, and Ricardo German Ponce Torres, with a painted cover by E.M. Gist.

Varric, author of Hard In Hightown

If you’re looking to pre-order, Hard In Hightown is releasing on the 31st of July this year. You can get it through Penguin Random House, published by Dark Horse books.

Bioware really has a love of Dragon Age. Even years on, they’re still bringing out new snippets of content for the fans; new toys and books and things to play with. It’s really nice to see this throwback. And to be able to read a physical copy instead of having to search through my codex for the full story.

Hopefully, we’ll get Sword’s and Shield’s  further down the line so Cassandra can finally be happy.