The Last Guardian studio releases New Year’s teaser image hinting at new game

Posted on January 4, 2018

Independent Japanese video game development studio GenDESIGN, led by Ico, Shadow of the Colossus and The Last Guardian creator Fumito Ueda, has recently posted an image to their site of what may be the studio’s newest and fourth upcoming title.

Under a heading on the GenDESIGN website that reads “Happy New Year 2018! May this be a happy and fruitful year.” is an image of some birds leading down to a child like figure sitting on a stone altar radiating a pillar of light. More intriguing than this however is the giants fist just off to the right of the image.

If you’re as intrigued as I am then take a look for yourself at the full image by clicking the link to the GenDESIGN webpage above or you can take a peek at the cropped version of the image below.

The last guardian studio release new teaser image

This is particularly exciting news for fans of the studio and Ueda as it’s not uncommon for him to drop hints like this to upcoming works. For those out there dedicated enough to sniff out the clues or who simply want to go on a good old speculation hunt then here’s a few bread crumbs to get you started…

Firstly, lets focus on the seemingly vulnerable child like figure. This is very on target for Ueda and fans of both The Last Guardian and Ico will recognise this as being a trend in game protagonists. Next it’s definitely worth noting that in the websites source code the image in question is entitled “Beauty and the Beast 2018” which surely must be a clue to a bigger puzzle piece. And lastly, Ueda in known to love working with grand scale creatures in his games. Both Shadow of the Colossus and once again The Last Guardian featured large beasts for gamers to enjoy, so a massive giant wouldn’t be at all out of place here should a new game be in the works.

As for what else can be found to link this possible current working title… I’ll leave that up to you to search through the GenDESIGN webpage and suss out. I personally suggest however you start your search in the “Works” section. Happy hunting, hopefully we’ll get some more news about this teaser soon!