PlayStation 4’s console sales are still staggeringly high

Posted on January 10, 2018

Sony have released their console sale figures for the holiday period 2017, and the numbers are very impressive. Sony is certainly going from strength to strength in this console generation. The sales figures are as follows:

  • 5.9 million PlayStation 4 units have been sold worldwide during holiday season 2017.
  • 55.9 million PS4 games have sold during holiday season 2017.
  • 31.5 million players are now subscribed to Sony’s PlayStation Plus service.

PlayStation 4 console

Those console sales figures are what looks particularly impressive to me. Nintendo’s console notoriously sell quickly (in fact, the Switch only recently broke new records) but it’s Sony’s consoles that sell consistently, year after year. The PS4 released in November of 2013 making the system just over 4 years old. And throughout those 4 years things have not slowed down on the sales front, with console sales hitting 6.2 million in holiday 2016, 5.7 million in holiday 2015 and 4.1 million in holiday 2014.

Overall the PS4 now sits at 73.6 million units sold, quickly closing in on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 sale figures which sit at around 84 million unit. This is particularly impressive when you consider how much longer those two consoles have been on the market and therefore able to accumulate sales. Of course it’s still the PS2 that sits in the top spot with an unbelievable 155 million unit sales. Could the PS4 ever surpass the PS2? It seems unlikely, but only time will tell.