Neon night madness with brand new platformer Octahedron

Posted on February 28, 2018

Square Enix Collective have joined with indie studio Demimonde to release Octahedron, a 2D vertical action platformer that boasts some of the most hyperactive and colourful imagery available.

The 2D  platformer requires players to make literal platforms in order to escape technicolour enemies and progress through the psychedelic neon environments set against a black background which makes the game look as fun as it does striking.

The psychedelic world of Octahedron

Octahedron blends its visuals with electronic music to enhance the overall gaming experience. Phill Elliot, Director of Indie Publishing at Square Enix West has stated:  “… The combination of the soundtrack working in tandem with the colours on screen really engages people in a way few other games can manage.”

With visuals and audio that capture everything you could ever want from a night out without leaving your house what more could you ask for? Octahedron is scheduled for release on the 20th of March on PS4, XboxOne and Steam for your PC. You can find even more information about the sensory overload that is Octahedron than check our the official website and have a look at the trailer below.