4 totally radical turtles are joining the Injustice 2 lineup

Posted on February 8, 2018

It’s time to get shell-shocked because The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are joining the Injustice 2 roster of fighters.

Emerging from out of the sewers are 4 totally radical, pizza loving mutant turtles who are excited to join in on the fight. The news comes directly from the Injustice YouTube channel where Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael and Leonardo all get their time in the spotlight to showcase their fighting prowess. All 4 fighters appear to have different movesets focused around their individual choice of weaponry as well as some interesting uses of a Skateboard. This is the first time the Mutant Turtles have made their way into the Injustice roster although they do feel quite at home among the super heroes. Check out the trailer below:

Also revealed is the special move for Raphael that features all 4 of the turtles lending a hand to beat up on the enemy. Whether this move remains the same across all 4 of the turtles or specific to Raphael isn’t currently known.

How do you feel about the new additions to the Injustice roster? Awesome or just silly? I’m personally a little on the fence although I do know that I now have a sudden hankering for pizza.

Pizza loving turtles joining Injustice 2