Pokémon GO surges to the highest peak players since release

Posted on June 27, 2018

There’s no denying that Pokémon GO is a huge success. The game released in July of 2016 and instantly became one of the most played and talked about games in the world. It was a cultural phenomenon that moved beyond just the gaming world and into mainstream attention.

Naturally Pokémon GO wasn’t able to maintain that massive initial player base that it had accrued, with players slowly dropping off over time. Although with new statistics coming out of SuperData it seems the game is in the healthiest spot it has been since it originally launched. The data analysis website ranks Pokémon GO as the 4th biggest mobile game in the world right now and has stated that “the player base increased to the highest level since the game’s peak in 2016.”

Pokémon GO legendary birds

So what is driving all of these new players? The first factor is purely based on the time of the year. We may be in the heart of a cold winter down here in Australia, although the Northern Hemisphere is currently basking in warmth and sunshine. Since Pokémon GO encourages players to get up and go outside, it makes sense that Summer would bring about more players. There’s also a huge bump in players thanks to the newly released friends list and trading capabilities. Undeniably one of the biggest updates in Pokémon GO history has just arrived with players finally able to trade Pokémon between one another. It’s a feature that has been talked about for a long time and something that feels very core to the series.

Have you noticed a jump in players? Maybe you yourself have just started playing again after taking an extended hiatus?