Square Enix’s Star Ocean: Anamnesis is coming to mobile

Posted on June 7, 2018

Square Enix has recently announced that their free to play mobile game Star Ocean: Anamnesis, the latest in their Star Ocean series, will be available for western audiences this July on iOS and Android devices.

The sci-fi fantasy game, which has been out in Japan since late 2016, lets players lead a bunch of heroes across the galaxy. As the captain, players can choose from a number of characters including attackers, sharpshooters, defenders, invokers and healers to form their own crew, doing battle in impressive looking 3D graphics. For the first time in the Star Ocean series, Anamnesis will also let players co-op missions together in a multiplayer mode. If you’re unfamiliar with the series, you can check out the trailer below to get a better idea of whether the game’s up your alley:

Apple users who are keen for a sneak peak before the official launch can register now for the official Apple Testflight closed beta. Android users aren’t left out either – they can pre-register their interest on Google Play. Doing so will unlock a variety of rewards ‘shortly after’ launch, with the type of reward being determined by the total amount of pre-registrations the game receives (they  range from in-game gems to weapons and even new playable characters).

Unfortunately there’s still no set date on exactly when in July the free-to-play game launches on mobile, but any keen beans can keep up to date on the progress of Anamnesis (and see the full list of pre-registration rewards) on the game’s official site.

Star Ocean