A tale of two brothers; Life is Strange 2 reveals its heroes

Posted on August 21, 2018

Thanks to all of the excitement of Gamescom, Dontnod have come out with their next trailer for their narrative based, episodic game series – Life is Strange 2.

Telling a completely different tale from the first game, the trailer reveals its two protagonists, Sean Diaz and his younger brother Daniel (aged 16 and 9). Despite giving very little away story wise, the trailer gives a not so subtle nod to the previous teaser trailer released earlier in August.

Right from the start of the trailer you can feel the weight Sean is carrying on his shoulders, debating with his conscience about telling his younger brother “the truth”. Exactly what “truth” he’s referring to still remains unclear, but it’s most likely connected to why they’re living out in the woods, and away from others.

As par for the course with the Life is Strange games, choices will play a large roll in how the narrative of the game plays out. Dontnod have commented on the game stating that players will “need to make the kind of tough choices you can expect from a Life is Strange game, and you will need to live with the consequences of your actions”.

Life is Strange 2

Like with the first game, it’s easy to see that this story is going to be full of tough decisions, despite there being very little information to go on in the trailer. Even information surrounding the new mysterious power is lacking, with Dontnod only mentioning it is a more destructive power than Max’s time reversal. All we really know is that the game will focus on the relationship of the two Diaz brothers, something I’m really looking forward to, being the oldest brother of five boys myself.

Episode 1 of Life is Strange 2 is slated for release on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC (via Steam) on September 27th and is available to pre-order now online.