Without trying to be politically biased, Clive Palmer is cringe-incarnate. The businessman turned attempted politician is quite the wild card. Even recently, he has caused quite a stir with his “Aussies ain’t going to cop it” ad, which is a cover of the Twisted Sister song “We’re not gonna take it”. This led to legal battles, threats to cancel Twisted Sister, and Clive Palmer issuing a sing-off with the lead singer. Suffice to say Clive Palmer is… a little weird. But hey, we’re a gaming website, so what does this have to do with us?
Well now it appears as though Clive has stepped into the gaming sphere. I was watching a YouTube video when this tragic little number was my midroll.
I wish I could unsee the above video, but if I had to watch it then so should you.
Clive Palmer is launching a mobile game, release date pending, entitled Clive Palmer: Humble Meme Merchant. Seemingly, you play as the man himself, in a platformer squashing your enemies and collecting Tim Tams. Makes about as much sense as one could expect. Your enemies are comprised of various Australian faces, and politicians, and actual “meme” like characters. For example, we have “crazy left-wing” character comprised of a “triggered girl” wearing a shirt with Karl Marx and “free stuff for all” slogan.
In the world of gaming, there’s a word for low-budget, poor-quality junk games: shovelware. This looks to be shovelware of the lowest denominator. It’s trashy and schlocky and I hope whoever worked on this project was well compensated for their grievances. The freedom of creation is what makes the games industry so exciting. I myself am gearing up for my first ever game jam. But with the liberty for anyone to make anything into a game, we must accept that people will make crappy games just to advertise. This is only the beginning in such a movement.
Whilst some individuals may view games as merely toys, Clive’s new project in a way shows the potential power of gaming. Games can be used to create empathy, give unique experiences, even help those in need. But we must remember that games can also be used for ill purposes such as propaganda if left unchecked. It’s up to us to call out the bad actors in this space to ensure games are used in a positive manner.
Clive Palmer’s game will be heading to the App Store and Google Play soon.