Want to play Anthem before it launches?

Posted on January 7, 2019

Eager gamers looking forward to getting stuck into Bioware’s next big franchise Anthem will have a couple of opportunities to try it out ahead of its February 22nd release date.

A VIP opportunity will be taking place in just a couple of weeks, with access provided to anybody who pre-orders Anthem ahead of release, along with subscribers to EA Access or Origin Access. It will be playable from Friday January 25 with servers shutting down on Sunday January 27. You’ll also earn an exclusive in-game item that can be used in the final release.

For those still unsure about committing to pre-ordering the title but still want to give it a go, they’ll have the opportunity the following weekend in a demo open to everybody from Friday February 1st to Sunday February 3rd.


It’s been confirmed that players on these weekends will start at level 10, and will be able to hit a demo cap of level 15 while exploring part of the world. Of course, this progress won’t carry over to the full release, but will give you a pretty good taste of what to expect.

Anthem has fast become one of our most anticipated games since it was first revealed at E3 2017, with its release date confirmed one year later. After what many would consider to be a stumble with Mass Effect Andromeda, Bioware is looking for redemption, and the online co-op sci-fi RPG looks poised to get the developer back in the public’s good graces.

Bioware has been very forthcoming with information about the games many systems and how they will function. If the above recent gameplay trailer is anything to go by, we’re in for a treat – even if there won’t be any romance options.

Anthem will release on Xbox One, PS4 and PC on February 22nd (or early access on February 15th if you’re on EA Access or Origin Access).