Super Mario Maker 2 paves its way onto Switch

Posted on February 14, 2019

The Nintendo Direct for Valentine’s Day started off with a bang with the announcement of Super Mario Maker 2 for Nintendo Switch.

The title was revealed with a trailer that showcased a great number of new and interesting features, such as the much-requested sloped terrain, new enemies, and the ability to create pathing for objects, enemies, and even the camera. We also get to see a new visual style that looks to be based on Super Mario 3D World, complete with the inclusion of the Cat powerup!

Along with these additions comes several new level themes,  including a desert (which sees the return of the angriest Sun in gaming), a jungle, and what appears to be a domain controlled by Bowser, with ominous dark clouds looming overhead. The game seems set to offer a level of variety way beyond the game’s predecessor, which is sure to excite those who can’t wait to get their hands it.

While a sequel to the original Mario Maker was rumoured for some time, especially considering it’s status as one of the Wii U’s best-selling and most highly-acclaimed titles, many couldn’t help but wonder how the game’s building mechanics would function due to the structure of the Switch. This of course wasn’t an issue when the game was ported to Nintendo 3DS, thanks to the similar structure of the two consoles.

Nintendo appears to have this covered however, as we get to see a new objects menu that allows for placements and adjustments to overcome the single-screen format. Players should be able to construct levels with ease no matter where they may be, offering even more freedom to the experience.

Super Mario Maker 2

Super Mario Maker 2 is set to release in June this year. Given the Switch’s huge install-base, we can expect countless new levels to appear by year’s end. And with hints that Luigi might be accompanying his brother this time around, given his presence in the game’s official artwork, there’s sure to be hours of enjoyment ahead. Now to wait and see if mystery mushrooms come back!