Fellow Traveller announces LudoNarraCon – a digital convention on narrative games!

Posted on March 19, 2019

Last week, Australian publishing label Fellow Traveller announced that it will be running a brand new event named LudoNarraCon later this year. The event will be a fully digital convention celebrating narrative video games, while also focusing on discoverability. It is set to take place sometime in May 2019 and will be hosted and streamed online via Steam’s storefront.

The exact dates are yet to be announced, but the online-only convention will be accessible to anyone and free to attend. Attendees can expect to hear from game creators, discover upcoming game titles, and play game demos online.

Fellow Traveller logo

The online-only aspect is a conscious one on Fellow Traveller’s part; by giving attendees the opportunity to attend the event from the comfort of their own home, the label stated that they are hoping to provide people with an authentic experience minus ‘con-flu’.

According to its website, LudoNarraCon will mostly showcase titles published under the Fellow Traveller label in the first instance, along with content from a number of invited indie developers. If the May event is successful, Fellow Traveller will organise similar events in the second half of the year that are open to developers outside of Fellow Traveller’s catalogue. The publishing label is currently taking expressions of interest from developers, should other LudoNarraCon events take place.

Keen to know more or to attend? You can sign up as an attendee via the LudoNarraCon website today, or register your interest as a game developer for future events.