Daemon X Machina gets release date with new trailer

Posted on June 12, 2019

Fans of the mech genre of games have long been excited for the new upcoming title from developers Marvelous Inc, Daemon X Machina. Yesterday at the Nintendo Switch E3 direct fans were rewarded for their patience with a new trailer and finally being given a release date, September 13th 2019.

The game will centre around your rookie pilot as you follow their journey to learn the ropes and become the best Arsenal pilot out there. It features a character creation system that is fun and just in-depth enough to lose yourself in, while also allowing you to change their gender on the fly—which is a nice addition. There’s mech customization too, which ticks all the right boxes.

Your character in Daemon x Machina

We reviewed the demo back in February and found that, while a little flawed, it was defiantly one to look out for.  The Graphics still look great, and the gameplay still looks frantic and fun.  The test fire demo was meant to help the development tweak the game, and it looks like there wasn’t much they needed to fix. All in all, it looks like Daemon X Machina is shaping up to be a Gundam fans dream.

You can check out the full stream of Nintendo’s E3 Direct over on their youtube page.