Words are Power in Lost Words: Beyond the Page trailer

Posted on June 9, 2019

An early E3 trailer has been released by Sketchbook Games’ announcing the cross-platform release of their new indie project, Lost Words: Beyond the Page.

The creative team of Lost Words is made up of gaming veterans who worked on Fable 2 and the Harry Potter games. As well the creative writer of the Tomb Raider series reboot, Rhianna Pratchett, who penned the story. This pool of talent is sure to provide a tale that guides players through a magical written world – full of love, loss, and grief.

The trailer is delightfully charming and does a fantastic job of drawing you into the story. Its combination of artistic mediums, including animated watercolour drawings, 3D landscaping, and interactive gameplay make for a unique experience. Lost Words: Beyond the Page also reminds me quite fondly of another popular 2D side-scroller, Unravelled, which combined a charming art motif with a well written story to great effect. From here the trailer pulls at the heart strings and really makes you want to hear the end of the story that is unfolding right before your very eyes.

Lost Words

According to publisher Modus Games  “Lost Words: Beyond the Page is a narrative-driven, atmospheric puzzler set inside the pages of a young girl’s diary. Following an immersive story by renowned games writer Rhianna Pratchett, players guide an aspiring author through the wondrous fantasy world of Estoria, where words wield immense power. In Lost Words: Beyond the Page, players interact with the words themselves to solve challenging puzzles and unique platforming segments to progress through an evolving landscape.

Lost Words

Lost Words: Beyond the Page is due for release in December 2019 and will be available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Additional information and content can be found on their official website.  With the release date being rather close it would be a real delight if we got to see a preview of Lost Words: Beyond the Page hopefully at this year’s PAX in October.