Dying Light 2 comes out of the darkness soon with an extended gameplay reveal

Posted on August 19, 2019

It’s been a while since we’ve heard any new details surrounding Techland’s upcoming project Dying Light 2. This is due to change later this month however with the official Twitter page for Dying Light announcing a streaming special August 26th at 8pm CEST . That’s the 27th of August at 4am Australia Eastern Standard Time, for those brave enough to up then.

At E3 fans of the series were provided with a reveal trailer, its projected release time, and the announcement that it would be playable on PlayStation 4, Xbox  One, and PC. On top this, only a select few attendees were granted the chance to see more behind the scenes details at the event – finally that’s changing.

dying light 2

As to what we can expect in this upcoming gameplay demo for Dying Light 2 is still anyone’s guess at this point, since Techland have been very tight-lipped up to this point. According to a lucky few journalists who were able to enjoy the E3 demo in June, we can expect action packed sequences, along with some tough scenario progression choices.

Like its first instalment, Dying Light 2 appears to employ quick decision making and branching interaction mechanics to drive the narrative, and hit home that your choices affect how the game is experienced.

Having played the first Dying Light and its expansion DLC, I can’t wait to see just exactly what Techland has in store for its extended gameplay reveal. Coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2020, Dying Light 2 certainly will have players on the edge of their seats one minute, and then dashing to hide behind it the next.

Don’t want to miss your chance to watch the new video August 26th? Follow the Techland Twitter or check in with us here at Checkpoint for the big reveal.