Twitch is FINALLY adding more diverse stream tags

Posted on May 25, 2021

The day is finally here, Twitch is updating and adding new tags to the platform so streamers can make their streams easier to find for other like-minded folks! This all follows the news that Twitch are adding Pools, Hot Tubs, and Beaches as a category.

It’s great news, especially for users of the LGBTQIA+ tag who will be able to more specifically label their streams. Currently, the tag has functioned as an umbrella for all queer streams. This has included allies which have been a source of tension among communities on the live streaming site. Allies understandably want to let queer people know their spaces are safe, but queer communities need the tag for their own visibility on the site. It becomes frustrating for viewers when they find a streamer using the tag who isn’t queer.

The new Twitch tags?

The tags are set to include transgender, black, disabled, veteran, VTuber, and ally. The full list has yet to be released but Twitch has been working with many organizations, experts, and streamers to implement as many inclusive tags as possible. The aim is to allow communities to better represent themselves so new viewers are able to find them since the platform already suffers from discoverability issues. It’s a win that has been a long time coming.

Twitch has stated previously that its hesitance at adding more tags such as a trans tag was because the site wanted to avoid communities receiving targeted hate. It’s a valid concern. Everyone on twitch, particularly those from minorities, know that this is going to be an issue no matter what. They’ve been combating hate on the platform in all manner of ways since they started streaming.

What does it mean for Twitch creators?

As a streamer, this is exciting for myself as I currently use the LGBTQIA+ tag and have been since I started streaming. When I go live, the tags box usually requires little adjustment because the selection is somewhat of a mixed bag. It will be nice to specify my stream more with the new tags available and also learn a little more about new streamers I come across. As a viewer on the platform, I’ve never searched with a tag selected unless it’s the LGBTQIA+ tag.

New tags will be going live shortly, likely after the stream on May 26 at 9:30 AM PST on /twitch to discuss the changes and answer other relevant questions.