Somerville is a bleak yet beautiful adventure arriving 2022

Posted on June 14, 2021

Showcased at the Microsoft/Bethesda E3 showcase and wedged in between big AAA announcements was one indie title that really stood out. Somerville straddles the line of depressingly bleak whilst also breathtakingly gorgeous. It depicts a world recovering in the wake of an unspecified catastrophe and you play a personal tale of a family trying to unite and survive.

Somerville looks ready to bring the feels with both a family pet and young child ready to tug on your heartstrings. Check out the new trailer below.

For anybody getting Playdead (Limbo, INSIDE) vibes from the trailer, there’s probably a pretty good reason. Not only is the game played in that pulled back perspective with a bleak overworld, but it’s also being made by a studio founded in collaboration with Dino Patti, ex-XEO and co-founder of Playdead. The studio behind Somerville goes by the name of Jumpship and it’ll be really exciting to see the full release

Somerville is expected to launch in 2022 and will come to Xbox Game Pass day one.