Quantic Dream are reportedly working on a Star Wars game

Posted on September 21, 2021

Quantic Dream, the French studio behind Detroit: Become Human and Heavy Rain reportedly is well into development on their next project. That next title? It seems it’s an adventure set in a little franchise by the name of Star Wars. This report comes from the journalism site Dualshockers.

The story goes as follows. Detroit: Become Human, the developer’s last release in 2018, marked an end of a 3 game contract with Sony and PlayStation. Then, president and studio founder David Cage begun their search for new opportunities and partners. It was French YouTuber and ex-journalist Gautoz that stated on September 16 that “They’ve [Quantic Dream] now finished their contract with Sony and will be signing with Disney.”

Tom Henderson at Dualshockers confirms some of the details mentioned in the video. An individual reportedly provided “overwhelming evidence” that they had contacts at Quantic Dream and that the Star Wars game is 18 months into development.

Where things get even more interesting is that Quantic Dreams themselves liked a tweet about the rumour that provided some of the very reporting discussed here. However, the like has since been removed. We’ve included that for you below.

There are some pretty substantial rumours here. Plus, Detroit: Become Human was over three years ago, a new release from Quantic Dream is undoubtedly soon due. Would the team’s known narrative choice game design work to this scale in the Star Wars universe? Or would this be a departure, proving to be more action-based than recent forays? I don’t know. If true, it could very well not be far off from us learning the true nature of this project. Would a Star Wars venture from the French studio intrigue you?