Darkest Dungeon II to get first two DLC heroes next month

Posted on November 13, 2023

Red Hook Studios has announced the first piece of premium DLC for Darkest Dungeon II, called The Binding Blade. Players can unlock two new heroes for their expedition, including one returning favourite from the first game, as well as a brand new hero. Along with these two new playable characters, the DLC will also add in a new roaming mini-boss, the Warlord, for players to encounter.

The two new heroes included in Darkest Dungeon II’s Binding Blade DLC are the Crusader and the Duelist. The Crusader is one of the initial playable characters in the first game, specialising in melee and support skills. Many fans were surprised at his omission in the base game of Darkest Dungeon II when it released considering how iconic he was in the first game’s roster, so many players will be happy to see him return. The other significant addition is the Duelist. A new addition to the series’ roster, the Duelist can switch between Defensive and Aggressive stances, with skills allowing her to move between the front and back ranks and provide buffs to her allies. Both new heroes will come with unique trinkets, signature items, and fully voiced backstories including playable flashback encounters.

The first game benefitted from some very high-quality DLC post-release, including two DLC heroes of its own. While some may baulk at having to pay extra to play as a hero who was in the original Darkest Dungeon by default, the deep changes in the sequel will provide a much different gameplay experience. Currently Darkest Dungeon II: The Binding Blade does not have a price or release window, but it has been confirmed to release in December 2023.