Incolatus: Don’t Stop, Girlypop! development video razzles and dazzles

Posted on December 12, 2024

Ever since Incolatus: Don’t Stop, Girlypop! I’ve been thoroughly excited about its release. I’ve been incredibly jealous as I’ve heard of Luke’s waxing following playing a demo of it at SXSW Sydney 2024. Needless to say, it is on my list. A day one pick up for me if you will. The latest video that aired overnight as part of the Day of the Devs Game Awards stream highlights just how some of the game is shaping and forming and boy is it growing harder to remain patient for this exciting shooter gem.

Incolatus: Don’t Stop, Girlypop! is a y2K bubblegum pop fps game that merges with classic boomer shooters like Doom. It’s bright, colourful and drenched in glitter. I already know this and if you’re tapped in, you would too. What I’ve yet to really wrap my hands around is how the game moves and flows. This development was a deep insight into that, explaining that they’ve got their own version of the classic ‘bunny hopping,’ you’d find in older shooters like Counter-Strike. The new movement style, labelled ‘movement hopping,’ chains a slam, jump and dash to have you making quick and tidy movement around arenas and long hallways, blasting foes away with your glitz and glam.

The faster you move in Incolatus, the more your weapon quite literally grows and expands, adding chambers and extra scopes to the gun. All of this is to serve the purpose of extra damage, of course, but it’s a striking and rewarding way to keep players on the move, something that is crucial if you’re to make it through one of these sorts of games. This isn’t all though, the trailer depicts meeting faeries and dressing up your gear (yes, even letting you go all denim). Truly the girlypop game of the century.

Incolatus: Don’t Stop, Girlypop! is being developed in Western Australia by Funny Fintan Studios and though it doesn’t have a release date just yet, it’s safe to say we’re waiting with bated breath. Whenever it drops, it’s looking to be very brat.