At The Game Awards 2024, the long-awaited sequel to the beloved Okami was FINALLY announced. Produced by Capcom, what is being called the “Okami sequel” marks the return of the celestial wolf Amaterasu, though production is still in its early stages, as confirmed by Geoff Keighley.
The reveal was accompanied by a stunning live musical performance, blending orchestral music with a brief gameplay teaser showcasing the game’s iconic watercolour art style. Fans were given a glimpse of the lush environments and the celestial brush gameplay that made the original so beloved.
Okami, released in 2006, quickly became a cult classic for its unique art style, emotional story, and innovative mechanics. Directed by Hideki Kamiya, it told the tale of Amaterasu, a wolf goddess who restores light to a world consumed by darkness. Despite initial struggles with sales, Okami gained a dedicated fanbase, leading to its re-releases and growing demand for a sequel.
Though details are scarce, Okami 2 promises to build on the original’s legacy, with a new journey for Amaterasu and new challenges ahead. Fans are eager for more as the project begins its development.