Xmas Wish List

Posted on December 31, 2015

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This week on the show, Luke, Archer, Viv and Tom talk about their Xmas Wish Lists! Of course, we’re not just talking about things that we want under our tree. Presents wrapped nicely filled with gaming accessories and figurines, NO, WE ARE NOT THAT MATERIALISTIC, DAMN IT! This is serious business, and we are going to be talking about the things that we wish for in the game industry in 2016. Listen in as we discuss game franchises that have been long forgotten that we want to see come back, amazing things that we expect from the brands that we love and most importantly… virtual reality to not suck. Our listeners get involved too with some of their wishes for gaming that they hope come true! We also talk about a really normal guy who is suing Bethesda because they made Fallout 4 “too addictive” and also have a chat about the franchise in Japan that is way bigger than even Star Wars! It’s all here in another cracking episode of your favourite video game show – the last one for 2015!

Your hosts:

Luke Mitchell

Luke Mitchell


Luke spends his time making radio, playing video games, binge-watching TV, getting unreasonably invested in wrestling, hosting bear events and hanging out with his beautiful pets.

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Morgan Archer

Having arguments in 140 characters or less since 2010

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Vivienne Wright

Vivienne Wright


Artist, creator, streamer and chaos bean, Vava is always laughing and rarely pessimistic. You can usually spot them playing Genshin Impact on Twitch weekly, dreaming up new worlds in D&D, consuming horror and fantasy content or sleeping in a blanket burrito.

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Tom Morgan

This is Tom. See Tom game. Game Tom, game! A confirmed bachelor with a confirmed Bachelor degree, he spends his time critically scrutinising the hard work of others. His turn offs include people, places and things!

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