Listen to the show!
This week on the show, we talk about Free to Play video games! Surprising to some, free to play video games such as League of Legends and Clash of Clans just to name a couple, make billions of dollars in revenue each year, and some even hold gigantic tournaments that are shown internationally. Just because it’s free to play doesn’t mean it’s lower quality, that’s for sure! Luke, Archer, Elliot and Viv discuss some of their favourites and talk about some of the different types of free to play models.
On top of that, it was GamesCom in Germany last week, so we break down all the news from the show, including new gameplay footage from some hotly anticipated games along with some fresh announcements as well! Not to be outdone, Viv brings to us her review on No Man’s Sky after spending the week exploring quite the unique galaxy. Don’t miss any of the fun!
Your hosts:

Luke Mitchell
Luke spends his time making radio, playing video games, binge-watching TV, getting unreasonably invested in wrestling, hosting bear events and hanging out with his beautiful pets.
Morgan Archer
Having arguments in 140 characters or less since 2010

Elliot Attard
Beer aficionado, PC gamer, TV show binge-watcher, music lover, and elite member of high society - Elliot possesses all of the qualities needed to project his word thoughts straight into your eye holes.

Vivienne Wright
Artist, creator, streamer and chaos bean, Vava is always laughing and rarely pessimistic. You can usually spot them playing Genshin Impact on Twitch weekly, dreaming up new worlds in D&D, consuming horror and fantasy content or sleeping in a blanket burrito.