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Checkpoint Intimates is a new weekly podcast where two members of the team go one-on-one on a topic that they both feel strongly about, talking in a more deeper and, yes, intimate context.
On this episode, Archer and Elliot get together to talk about walking simulators. Not an official genre, sure, but a style that people associate with story-based video games when there isn’t much action involved. Some of these experiences are critically acclaimed, such as Firewatch and Dear Esther just to name a couple of them. So what are the things we love about this sub-genre of gaming? How does it allow storytellers to better focus on narrative? What are some of our favourites?
Your hosts:
Morgan Archer
Having arguments in 140 characters or less since 2010

Elliot Attard
Beer aficionado, PC gamer, TV show binge-watcher, music lover, and elite member of high society - Elliot possesses all of the qualities needed to project his word thoughts straight into your eye holes.